Career Epiphany – 8 Weeks to a Crystal Clear Career Direction
Personal Coaching: Private Coaching Intensive…Starts Monthly.
Ready for some answers? Been working on it for a while and know you need an objective person to ask you the right questions and see what you’re not seeing? This is perfect for you if you do best with individual attention and are ready to commit to not only defining your perfect work, but making it happen in the next 6-12 months.
For more information, send an email to
“I was working in real dead end jobs with angry negative people. I hated my life five days a week. I dreaded Sunday nights because I knew the hell would be starting all over again in a few short hours.”
“With the career direction I discovered with Jen, I can honestly say that I have created a rich and full life. I have fun every day creating work that I love. It only took a couple of short months to figure out the path and how to do all this creating.I secured a job as resident costume designer for a local children’s theater, as well as a great part-time job with benefits with a boss who respects and honors my talents and skills.
I’m living a healthy life. I’m happy in my relationships. I’m happy and strong with myself. I’m able to contribute to the world. I feel totally engaged in life.”
— DeeDee Remington, Portland, OR
“The other day I was alone in the elevator on the way to the office and shouted out loud, “I LOVE MY JOB!”
“Before I met and hired Jennifer, I was ready to throw in the towel. My business had become so difficult — so stressful and so scarce — for the first time in 35 years I thought I was going to be forced to find a new way to make a living. I was beat-down, worn-out and struggling just to make myself go to work every morning.
My very first consultation with Jennifer made me feel like there was a small tiny little point of light peeking through the darkness in which I was living.
I released a bunch of “old beliefs” that were no longer serving me. I found a new work environment that I LOVE going to every day. Once I became more positive; I attracted more positive experiences and co-workers into my life. I feel happy now; energetic and purposeful.
I’m pleased to say I’ve released my excess weight and you will often find me in my art studio, expressing my artistic talents to my heart’s content! I once again treasure my time with friends and family and have a clear plan to get my financial life back in the mode of prosperity.”
— Leissa Gebert, Tigard, OR
“Within two months of completing coaching with Jen, I enrolled in a professional training program and am currently taking classes. It’s exciting and energizing.”
“Before working with Jen, I was really frustrated and feeling burned out in my current position as a social worker – and miserable some days just going to work. I was very much feeling like the guy in the commercial, “Time to make the donuts,” trudging through my day.
I was struggling after about a year of research on my own – everywhere I turned it seemed there was a reason that an idea about a 2nd career would not work.
About the 3rd session, I absolutely knew with no doubt that there would be an answer, and was beginning to believe in the process and trust that Jen could lead me to making my own decision.”
— Holly Wilson, Tampa, FL